Meet K

Data Profiles

Easily build the trusted knowledge base for your data assets that you need.

K uses automated intelligence and smart engagement to build meaningful data profiles by analysing how your data is created and used.

Data users and governance users can then further enhance with knowledge that cannot be inferred. This blend of automation and crowdsourcing takes the boring manual work out of building your data catalog.

K also has the capability to automatically prompt where data knowledge gaps may exist and potential data glossaries or tags (e.g. PII) may be missing.

The K Differentiator

Augmenting your Data Knowledge

360 degree view

From one data profile page you can directly access all information specific to that data asset including, data issues, data quality, data lineage and more.

Metadata insights

K automated intelligence reveals metadata insights about your data profiles that you may otherwise be unaware of. For example: key usage insights, top user insights, and detected changes.

Collaboration made easy

Crowdsourcing and collaboration made easy through smart features that link your current workflow tools or collaboration channels (e.g. MS Teams, Slack or Discord)

Data Profiles

Transform the way you understand your data assets

“K allowed us to get our data migration started quickly, confidently track and deliver the migration, and now is a key part of how we manage and scale the correct use of data across hundreds of data consumers.”

James Gouletsas
Circular Economy Systems

Get started with KADA today.

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